There Are Bugs Everywhere! Graphs


Someone afflicted with a weird-looking bug is probably the only time people fear helping others because some bugs are terrifying. Opposite to what the word bugs might imply, this diverse group of organisms is not always small. There are over 900 thousand kinds of different bugs worldwide, making them about 80 percent of the world’s species.

Experts believe that there are 30 million different living bugs across the forest canopies of Latin America. The worldwide figures of living bugs across the world might be ten times more than 30 million.

This survey provides in-depth information about the population of insects. Let us know more about these organisms that sometimes scare us to the core!

If you are interested in reading about the world’s weirdest bugs, their history, and interesting facts, click here.

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Estimated Number of Insect Species in Each Continent

Estimated Number of Species on Each Continent

Different types of insects require different habitats to survive. Some bugs thrive in tropical weather, while others need the hot blazing sun to continue their species. The survey conducted reveals that the highest number of insect species can be found in Asia. 

It is revealed that about seven hundred thousand different kinds of bugs or insects are in Asia, making it the top continent with the highest estimated insect population. Oceania stands on the second rank as the continent with the highest estimated insect population (about two hundred thousand).

The African continent is the third one to house the largest insect population, with estimated numbers reaching about a hundred thousand. North and South America reveal being home to an estimated ninety-one thousand and seventy thousand different insects, respectively. 

Europe emerged as the seventh continent with the highest estimated number of insects (about twenty-seven thousand), while Antarctica has the lowest estimates of all (one thousand). So, if you are a daring, adventurous soul who loves exotic insect species, a trip to Asia or Africa might be your dream excursion. 

Growth of Edible Insects Market According To Regions

Growth of Edible Insect Market According to Region

Did you know that a whole industry is dedicated to the edible insects market? Let us enlighten you more about it. Edible bugs are expensive, and people pay large sums to eat these delicacies in posh restaurants. 

Asia-Pacific region leads the chart by being the top region where the market value of edible bug in 2018 was $174 million. It is estimated to increase to about $477 million in 2023. It is a massive leap in five years for this industry. This region includes countries near the western Pacific Ocean, generally including East Asia, Oceania, Russian Far East, Southeast Asia, and South Asia.  

Latin America’s estimated market value of edible bugs in 2018 was only $92 million, which is estimated to experience a staggering rise and reach $251 million by 2023. The same is the case with Europe. Europe reflected an 82-million dollar edible insects’ market value in 2018. This value is estimated to reach about $262 million by 2023.

North America showed a market value of $44 million in 2018 and is forecasted to reach about $154 million by 2023. Lastly, the Middle East and Africa occupy the bottom-most position in the graph with a mere $15 million market value of edible insects’ industry in 2018, which is estimated to increase only to about $39 million in 2023. 

Percentage Decline in Selected Global Insect Population in the Last Ten Years

Percentage Decline of Insect Population

Since insects are an ever-growing population, certain environmental or other factors are crucial in causing their population decline. It is nature’s way of making room for new species and growing populations consistently. 

Figures reveal that the population of Caddisflies has significantly declined over time (about 68%). Butterflies are the second most fast declining insect species in the list (53%), while beetles and bees are the third and fourth in the list, respectively (49% and 46%). Dragonflies show a sharp 37% decline in their population, closely followed by Mayflies that also show a 37% decline. 

Stoneflies and flies are the last on the list, showing about 35% and 25% decline in their population. An extensive increase in the market value of edible insects might be a strong causal link with these declining figures. However, nothing is certain without further in-depth research. 

Bugs Everywhere

Though the number of different bugs living across the various world regions might seem daunting, these are primarily found in their own natural habitat away from the human population. However, with extreme industrialization and forest-cutting, you might find several insect species becoming extinct or co-existing with the human population.


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