

How Much Pizza is Consumed in America? Infographic

Pizza is a very popular choice among America. It can serve them as a meal or a snack. Americans order pizza for sleepovers, movie...

Different Styles of Pizza in America Infographic

The pizza might be Italian in origin, but it’s an ever-popular choice in American diets. Americans now pride themselves on having some of the...

Exploring America’s Love Affair with Pizza

Background Similar to pop music, football, and democracy itself, pizza is also among the long American tradition of things that started overseas before the United...


Why Was Zuko Added to Avatar: The Last Airbender at the Last Minute?

Journey into the reasons behind Zuko's last-minute addition to 'Avatar: The Last Airbender,' and how it redefined the series' soul.

What Are the Symbolic Meanings Behind the Character Names in Spirited Away?

Peek behind the names in 'Spirited Away' to uncover hidden layers of symbolism and meaning that deepen the tale of discovery and transformation.

How Did Spirited Away Become the First Anime to Win an Oscar?

Go behind the scenes to discover how Spirited Away's unique blend of artistry and storytelling captivated the Oscars.