Great Britain


Timeline of the Rise and Fall of the British Empire

Background The British Empire was a worldwide system of dependencies that was carried under the power of the crown of Great Britain and the supervision...

The Great Southern Land: A Timeline of Australia

Background Australia is the smallest continent but among the largest countries in the world. It is located between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the...

Timeline for the American Revolution

The American Revolution is also known as the Revolutionary War, which occurred from 1775 to 1783. It was the revolution that arose from the...


What Inspired the Name and Story of the Anime Bleach?

Find out how Tite Kubo's blend of soul purification themes and Western music influences inspired the iconic name and story of 'Bleach'.

How Did Pizza Hut Use Code Geass for Marketing to Youth?

Witness how Pizza Hut's strategic collaboration with Code Geass turned a simple product placement into a youth marketing sensation, driving unparalleled engagement.

How Are Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan Connected to Pokémon Characters?

Martial arts legends Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan inspire Pokémon characters Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, but there's more to this connection than meets the eye.